Loggerhead is Brian Slawson’s medium-easy arrangement of classic works for percussion sextet. Featured in this arrangement are J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations (Variation 21), G.F. Handel’s Concerto for Harp, and Antonin Dvořák’s Slavonik Dance No. 7.
To meld these three pieces together into one coherent work, Slawson uses ritardandos and direct tempo changes, which pose a challenge to any ensemble but especially to younger performers. In order to pull these various tempo changes off, the performers must be flexible and have open ears to the rest of the ensemble. In other words, they cannot be at loggerheads!
• Glockenspiel
• Xylophone
• Vibrahone
• Marimba (1) low A, shared
• Temple blocks (3 pitches)
Loggerhead is Brian Slawson’s medium-easy arrangement of classic works for percussion sextet. Featured in this arrangement are J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations (Variation 21), G.F. Handel’s Concerto for Harp, and Antonin Dvořák’s Slavonik Dance No. 7.
To meld these three pieces together into one coherent work, Slawson uses ritardandos and direct tempo changes, which pose a challenge to any ensemble but especially to younger performers. In order to pull these various tempo changes off, the performers must be flexible and have open ears to the rest of the ensemble. In other words, they cannot be at loggerheads!
• Glockenspiel
• Xylophone
• Vibrahone
• Marimba (1) low A, shared
• Temple blocks (3 pitches)